The word ‘Sant’ (Saint) means the perfect man. A Sant is the one who dissolves his self into the Almighty while remembering His name with every breath. Gurbani describes the sant in an exquisuite way as under-
Jina Sasi Girasi Na Visrei, Hari Nama Mani Mantu. Dhannu Si Seii Nankana Poornau Soi Santu. (Ank 319)
Eh Neesani Sasdh ki Jisu Bhetat Tariei. Jam kankaru Neri Na Aawai Phiri Bahuri Na Mariei.
Bhav Sagaru Sansaru Bikhu So Paar Utariei. Hari Gun Gumphahu Mani Maal Hari Sabh Mal Parhariei.
Nanak Pritam Mili Rahe Parbraham Nar Harie. (Ank 320)
The above lines describe the traits of a Sant. He remembers the name of Hari (God) witth each and every breath. His company makes even an ordinary mortal pass through the ocean of this world smoothly. The wealth of God’s name is achieved. The dirt of sins deposited over the unending cycle of births and rebirths. Self becomes one with the supreme in the case of a sant. Guru Arjun Dev has described six characteristics of sant.
Mantram Ram Ram Namam Dhaanam Sarbatra Poornah.
Ghaanam Sam Dukh Sukh jugati Nirmal Nitrvairanah.
Dyalam Sabatra Jee-a Panch Dok Vivarjitah.
Bhojanam Gopal Kirtanam Alp Maya Jal Kamal Rahatah.
Updesham Sam Mitra Satrah Bhagwant Bhagti Bhavani.
Par Ninda Nah Sroti Sravanam Aap Tyagi Sagal Renukah.
Khat Lakhan Poornam Nanak Saadh Swajanah.
The symptoms of the sant include remembering the name of God every moment, trading weal and woe alike, Showing compassion to all, curbing the five vices viz. Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankar (Ambition, Anger, Avarice, Attachment and Ego. A sant always remains composed at heart, eats only to live and sleeps less. He lives in the world like a lotus which remains entrenched even in water. Making no distinction between a friend and for and avoid listening to slanderous talk. He is free from the trappings of the ego and a paragon of humility. A small but spiritual book gives the following as the traits of a sant-
Dohira 1:
Ati Kripalu Nahi Droh Chitt Sahansheelta Saar. Sam Dam Aadi Akaam Mati Mridal Shrav Upchar.
Dohira 2:
Ustad Ninda Mittar Rip Sukh Dukh ooch Aur Neech. Brahm Trin Amrit Garl Kanchan Kaach Na Beer.
Dohira 3:
Samdarsi Seetal Hirdey Gati Udega Udgar. Sookham Chitt Sumittar Jag Chid Bapu Nirhankar.
(Vicharmala Ank 26)
The main features of a sant’s personality include compassionate nature, no bitterness againstanyone, tolerance, control over the baser instincts and senses in general, altruism, sweet words, transcendence of all duality signifying friend-foe, weal-woe, poison-nectar, coal-diamond etc. The men of knowledge are of the opinion that incarnations of God are of six kinds Nitt-Avtar (ever-incarnate) is one of them and sant is the Nitt-Avtar of God. He is himself linked to God and links others to Him. Such a Nitt-Avtar was born to parents – S. Nagina Singh and Mata Dhann Kaur of village Jamiatgarh (Hoshiarpur) on 1 october 1948. He was named Sucha Singh. His father and even earlier forefathers were true devotees of the Guru. Therefore his family environment was saturated with spirituality. The saints of various hues used to visit their family. In this atmosphere, the child Sucha Singh imbided the fundamental sikh ethos. This gem of father Nagina Singh mother Dhann Kaur earned world renown as Sant Baba Sucha Singh of Jawaddi Kalan as he grew up. Earlier, he remained in the company of Sant Baba Tara Singh of Balachaur. Later he enjoyed the bliss of Sant Baba Ishar Singh Rara Sahib Wale. He was trained in Gurmat education, etiquette, spiritual knowledge and meditation in the company of holy men at various place. When the cup hearted started over brimming with the love of God, he came and settled in Jawaddi Kalan, the village of Bhai Jawanda who was a disciple of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. This land was barren, uneven and not worthy to settle on. But according to Gurbani:
Jitthe Baisan Saadh Jan So Thaanu Suhanda. Oi Sewani Samrithu Apna Binsei Sabhu Mrith Manda.
Patit Udharan Paar Brahm Sant Bedu Kukhanda. Bhagti Vachhlu Tera Biradu Hai Jugi Jugi Vartanda.
Nanak Jaachei Ek Naamu Mani Tani Bhavanda.(Ank 319)
Sant Baba Sucha Singh’s touch to this land turned it into a fertile tract in the sense that the Baba’s hardwork coupled with a firm determination could do this feat. every inspired word escaping his lips seems to exhort the spiritual thinkers and kirtanists that –
Aawahu Sikh Satguru Ke Pyariho Gawahu Sachi Bani.
Bani Ta Gawahu Guru Keri Bania Siri Bani.
Jin kau Nadari Karamu Hvei Hirdei Tina Samani.
Peevahu Amritu Sada Rahahu Hari Rangi Japihu Saring Pani.
Kahei Nanaku Sada Gawahu Eh Sachi Bani.
The Baba wanted to liberate the Sikhs of the Guru from the mesh of superstiotions and show them the highway of Gurmat. Therefore, within no longer time he heartily preached Gurmat. His resoluteness infused infinite love and faith for Gurbani in the hearts of lacs of people. The Kirtan-lovers, the amorists of Gurbani and the devout followers of Sikhism view Jawaddi Kalan as a great institutions of standardization (Taksaal on the world-map.
Sant Baba Sucha Singh organized the first ‘Adutti Gurmat Sangeet Sammelan’ in 1991 by taking along with him the most distinguished kirtan-specialists of the panth and made them perform them in the specified Ragas of Gurbani. the people in lacs enjoyed this concert as if under a hypnotic spell. Then he tried to carry this purest form of Gurmat music at everydoorstep by getting it recorded in a set of 16 cassettes. A videp cassette entitled ‘Rag Ratna Rasna Aalaap’ was also brought out as the abridged form of the same. In this very series, the sets of ‘Gaudi Raga Sulakhani’ and ‘Asa Di Vaar’ were also released.
Following this, ‘Adutti Gurmat Sangeet Sammellan’ organized in 1996 at Hazoor Sahib also deserves special mention. In 1995, preparations were underway for Vishwu Sikh Sammelan at global level. Some opportunist people managed to hold it in Amritsa. “Gur Shabad Sangeet Academy” was established in Jawaddi Kalan so as to train thousands of children in Gurmat music. Apart from this, ‘Guru Nanak Sikh Center Bramton’ was set up intoranto in Canada to associate for those settled abroad. Four camps are organized every year in Jawaddi Kalan for teaching Naam meditation to the meditators.
In 1995, I got an invitation to join the Shabad-Yatra chalked out by the Baba (but due to ill-health I was deprived of this great journey). The map of Maharashtra under Immroz’s sketches of 15 Bhagat Poets, was unique in itself. The birth places of Bhagat Naam Dev, Bhagat Parmanand and Bhagat Trilochan were marked on it. The yatra was 15-day long and during this historical fortnight the sangat visited Delhi, Agra, Gwallior, Indore and Sachkhand Hazoor Sahib from where it visited Narsi Naam Dev Hingoli, Pundarpur etc. Sant Sucha Singh want to have a unique programme everyday. That is why he had said to me in a meeting, “Sant Ji, you are well-educated. Be adventurous enough to do something for the Sikh community. It has strayed from the path of righteousness. Try to link it with Guru Granth Sahib. He had a deep insight into literary research and creation e.g. the publication of an international level periodical like ‘Vismaad Naad’. He organized very sober seminars on topics like ‘The Contribution of Guru Granth Sahib to Mankind’, ‘The concept of Shabad’, ‘The Concept of Body’, ‘The Naamdev of Guru Granth Sahib’ etc. It was under the influence of these seminars that Guru Nanak Chair was set up in Bombay University.
During his life-time the Baba tried to set up Guru Hargobind Library as a full-fledged research center. He collected the rare paintings based on specific Ragas with great fondness and preserved them. In July 2002, the warning health of the Baba worsened still further. The devotees kept intouch with him and Akhand Paaths were held for his speedy recovery. One day the Baba expressed a desire to see at his phone call I reached the Dera about 1p.m. only to know that he was in the hospital. He was put on dialysis there. When the attandant reported my arrival to him, I was called in. Dialysis went on along with our about two-hour long conversation on various issues including his health, Naam Simran, Gurbani, Gurmati and its propagation etc. Even at this stage courage, faith, zeal and perseverance were writ large on his face. There was nothing wrong with his voice so far and the glow on his face as also an unflinching faith in the Guru spoke volumes of his spiritual elevation. Nobody could ever think for even a moment that this perfectly healthy looking man will bid adieu to this world so soon. On 27 August 2002, Sant Baba Sucha Singh passed away after having led a pious and exemplary life.
Sooraj Kiran Mile Jal Ka Jalu Hoo-aa Ram. Joti Joti Rali Sampooran Thee-aa Ram. (Ank 846)
The swan had flown only to dissolve into the cosmic ocean of existence. Thus an innovative, adventurous, courageous and a dynamic man of scientific outlook left for his heavenly abode but after leaving his footprints for us to follow. Now it is for his followers to see that his vision must realize in the larger interests to him. Finally, bowing my head before the laudable contribution of the sant, I pay homage to him from the innermost recesses of my heart as words will not suffice for the same