Music is one of the most essential elements to drive any religion. Religious masters believe it is the voice of God and cacophony for demons. Even Guru Nanak Dev ji praised God and revealed universal secrets by flowing music. His verse “Ghat Ghat waje naad” describes the deep impact of music on human life. Saint Baba Amir Singh Ji praised Gurmat music as the purest form of spirituality and believe one can relish shabads from physical to  spiritual form at the fullest by tants and rags used by saints of the time. Saint Baba Amir Singh ji, head of Gurudwara Gur Gian Prakash(Jawadi takhsal), has taken the name and fame of taksal to those heights that even S.Manmohan Singh, twice Singh is King of the greatest democratic country of the world and Guru Dalai Lama of Buddhism honoured Amir Singh ji at Delhi samagam 2018 for his ventures of proselytising to apex. Sant Baba Amir Singh ji was born in 1971 in the village Tharva Majra of Haryana to a Virk family.

Gurudwara Gur Gian Prakash was established in the year 1986 (under the stewardship of Late Sant Baba Sucha Singh Ji) at village Jawadi, District Ludhiana, Panjab. It has holy branches in the other parts of the country. This institute is embodied with its music of Bhai Mardana and further continues its process indeed in general and the Sikh world in particular coupled with the principles of Sikhism. Diversity and talented raags of Sikhism are fundamental articles of human development through this institution. Fundamentally 24-hour langar service is available here with love and passion in most cleanly manner. “Music to mind and gymnastic to body” once remarked by the great philosopher Plato is still prevalent here in the quintessence form for human development with the signboard of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Other basic facilities for felicitous initiates like a Library, Hostel, Open fields for Agriculture, Dispensary, Cloth Shop, etc are also part of this holy institute.

Pronunciation of sach vani (Pure script) along with tanti saaz ( Tanti instruments) is primarily taken up by this institution. The Spectrum of pure approach is exposed and expressed through the library and the physical display of raag kirtan is done by professionals and young kids in a highly systematic manner. All this panorama of spiritualism is going through the dedication and submissive behaviour of Sant Baba Sacha Singh ji in the past and presently furthering by Sant Baba Amir Singh Ji. Every year highly influential  Adutti Gurmat sangeet samelan is held under the leadership of Sant Baba Amir Singh Ji. Ragis and saazis from different parts of the country participate in the samelan. Even Ragis from Sri Darbar sahib perform their in true raags coupled with principles of Sikhism and traditional tants. This whole Samelan was covered by multiple TV channels including PTC.

Pure Music is a tool for union of soul and God. It may take on different forms and vary its style, genre throughout the cultures and traditions but it will prevail. Even in the 960 century, we can see a beautiful collection of David playing a harp and praising God (The Book of Psalms). At last, I can say this institute under the leadership of Sant Baba Amir Singh ji is serving mankind spiritually, intellectually and physically with pure moralities. It is a selfless service for mankind. This institute has spiritual connections in Canada and many other parts of the world.

Legenda- Latin noun legenda was used in Middle Ages to refer in particular to stories about the life of saints https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/legend .

Ajaypal Singh Hundal (Australian Author)

Books in Australian Libraries Collection

National Library Of Australia




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