30. Bibhâs Prabhâtî (Srî Gurû Granth Sâhib, p. 1347)
Âroh : Sâ, Re Gâ Pâ, Dhâ Sâ
Avroh : Sâ, Nee Dhâ Nee Pâ, Gâ Re Sâ
Swar : Both Rishabh, both Dhaiwat, ‘Mâ’ is probihited and ‘Nee’ is forbidden in ascent. The rest of notes are shudha.
Jâtî : Aurav – Shârav
Time : First quarter of the day
Vâdî : Pancham (Pâ)
Samvâdî : Sharaz (Sâ)
Main swar : Re Gâ Pâ Dhâ Pâ Dhâ, Sâ Nee Dhâ Nee –Pâ, Gâ Re Sâ
Kirtankaar : Bhai Rajbarinder Singh Ji Bathinda