Since times immemorial there an inseparable relation between man and nature due to which colours of nature bring joy to man. In the cultural development of man, months, days and seasons have had an important place. According to the natural setting of India, the heating of earth and sky in the months of Jeth and Asadh, the thundering of clouds and the drizzling of rain in Saavan and Bhadon, the blooming of earth and the sky in Basant Season during the months of Chet and Vaisakh all these bring in man the remembrance of the Creator. While accepting Basant as the most important season it is called ‘king of seasons’ (Ritu-Raaj). While we see everything blooming all around us during Basant the mind also blooms and gets happiness. Kabeerji says “maulee dharatee mouliaa akaas, ghatt ghatt mauliaa aatam pragaas” Guru Amardasji says, “banasapat maulee charriaa Basant”. During Basant, that is from Magh month itself in every deewan, after the samapti of keertan Basant ki Vaar is sung. This vaar is sung till Hola-Mohalla. It is said that the one who sings Basant ki Vaar always remains happy. His masculinity remains forever. Only that form of this Raag has been finalized which had been sung at Harmandar Sahib and knowledgeable kirtaniaas sing even now.
Aroh : Sa Ga Ma, Dha Nee Saˆˆ
Avroh : Saˆˆ Nee Dha Pa Ma, Ga Re Sa
Sur : All the notes are sharp. ‘Re’ and ‘Pa’ are forbidden in ascending scale.
Thaat : Bilawal
Jaati : Aurav – Sampooran
Time : Second quarter of the day(any time in spring (basant) season)
Vadi : Sharaj (Sa)
Samvadi : Madhyam (Ma)
Main sur : Ga Ma Dha Nee Saˆˆ, Saˆˆ Nee Dha Pa Ma, Ga, Re Sa
Basant Mehalaa 5 |(1181-82) Kirtan Kaar: Prof Kartar Singh Ludhiana
Tum badd daatae dae rehae | jeea praan mehi rav rehae | deenae sagalae bhojan khaan | mohe niragun ik gun n jaan |1| ho kachhoo n jaano taeree saar | too kar gat maeree prabh daeiaar |1| rahaao | jaap n taap n karam keet | aavai naahee kachhoo reet | man mehi raakho aas eaek | naam taerae kee taro ttaek |2| sarab kalaa prabh tuma prabeen | ant n paavehi jalehi meen | agam agam oocheh tae ooch | ham torae tum bahut mooch |3| jin too dhiaaeiaa sae ganee | jin too paaeiaa sae dhanee | jin too saeviaa sukhee sae | sant saran naanak parae |4|7|
Basant Bani Bhagata Ki||Kabeer Jee Ghar 1(1193) Kirtan Kaar: Bhai Nirmal Singh Khalsa
Ik Oankaar Satigur Prasaad | Maulee dharatee mouliaa akaas | ghatt ghatt mauliaa aatam pragaas |1| raajaa raam mauliaa anat bhaae | jeh daekho teh rehiaa samaae |1| rahaao | duteeaa maulae chaar baed | sinmrit maulee sio kataeb |2| sankar mauliou jog diaan | kabeer ko suaamee sabh samaan |3|1|