It is a saying that if suddenly the utensils lying on the loft were to fall down, the echo and music produced thereby which continues for a long time, this music is Kaanara.One gets a similar feeling from the Shabads in this raag. In order to produce a longish echo like effect in many Shabads of this raag we find the lines ending with taen, pavaen, paen, kaen, taak, rageet, katteet, preet japees etc. Raag Kaanra belongs to the category of favorite and melodious raags of Indian music. It is such a famous raag that ordinary listeners of music who have very little knowledge of music also can easily recognize this raag. This famous and entertaining raag is equally difficult. In the medieval period this raag was not only sung in the Raj Darbars, but was prevalent among saint musicians, Bhagats and the common folks too.
Aroh : Sa, Re Ga, Ma Pa, Nee Saˆˆ
Avroh : Saˆˆ, Nee Pa, Ma Pa, Ga Ma Re Sa
Sur : Both Nishad, ‘Ga’ is flat, rest of the notes are sharp. ‘Dha’ is Forbidden.
Thaat : Khafi
Jaati : Charav – Charav
Time : Second quarter of the night
Vadi : Pancham (Pa)
Samvadi : Sharaj (Sa)
Main sur : Sa Re Ga, Ma Re, Sa, Re Nee Sa, Re Pa Ga, Ma Re Sa
Kaanarraa Mehalaa 5 | (GGS-1299) Kirtan Kaar: Bhai Balbir Singh Amritsar
Bisar gee sabh taat paraaee |jab tae saadhasangat mohi paaee |1| rahaao |naa ko bairee nehee bigaanaa sagal sang ham ko ban aaee |1|jo prabh keeno so bhal maaniou eaeh sumat saadhoo tae paaee |2|sabh mehi rav rehiaa prabh eaekai paekh paekh naanak bigasaaee |3|8|
Kaanarraa Mehalaa 5 Ghar 2(GGS-1298) Kirtan Kaar: Prof. Paramjot Singh
Ik Oankaar Satigur Prasaad | Gaaeeai gun gopaal kirapaa nidh |dukh bidaaran sukhadaatae satigur jaa ko bhaettat hoe sagal sidh |1| rahaao |simarat naam manehi saadhaarai |kott paraadhee khin mehi taarai |1|jaa ko cheet aavai gur apanaa |taa ko dookh nehee til supanaa |2| jaa ko satigur apanaa raakhai |so jan har ras rasanaa chaakhai |3|kahu naanak gur keenee maeiaa |halat palat mukh oojal bhaeiaa |4|1|