It is natural for raag Kaliaan to follow raag Kaanarraa. In Raagmala at the end of Guru Granth Sahib, the sequence of ‘Gaura ou Kaliaana’ has been maintained.Kaliaan produces happiness . The soul in the state of bliss waits for the light of dawn.(prabhaat).Meditation and memory of God has strengthened the belief that all attempts towards worldly possessions(maya)are of no use.. The soul under the spell of bliss becomes intoxicated on again and again hearing the praises of her lover(God).The blessings showered due to meditation on Shabad, the soul becomes awakened forever and Kaliaan is sung in a posture of attention only. Guru Ramdasji and Guru Arjan Devji have recited Ggurbani in this Raag.As per t6he division of raags in Guru Granth Sahib,Raag Kaliaan Bhopali also comes under raag Kaliaan.Both these raags are different and independent from each other. In Kaliaan raag there are six Shabads of Guru Ramdas ji and in Kaliaan Bhopali one Shabad of his is there.
Aroh : Sa, Nee Re Ga, Ma Pa, Ma Dha, Nee, Saˆˆ
Avroh : Saˆˆ Nee Dha Pa, Ma Ga Re Nee Sa
Sur : Madhyam is Teever, remaining all the notes are sharp.
Thaat : Kalyaan
Jaati : Sampooran – Sampooran
Time : First quarter of the night
Vadi : Gandhar (Ga)
Samvadi : Nishad (Nee)
Main sur : Nee Re Ga, Ga Re Ga Ma Pa Re, Nee Re Sa
Kaliaan Mehalaa 4 || (GGS-1321) Kirtan Kaar: Prof. Kartar Singh
Prabh keejai kirapaa nidaan ham har gun gaavehagae | ho tumaree karo nit aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae |1| rahaao | ham baarik mugad eiaan pitaa samajhaavehigae | sut khin khin bhool bigaar jagat pit bhaavehigae |1| jo har suaamee tum daehu soee ham paavehagae | mohi doojee naahee tour jis pehi ham jaavehagae |2| jo har bhaavehi bhagat tinaa har bhaavehigae | jotee jot milaae jot ral jaavehagae |3| har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae | jan naanak saran duaar har laaj rakhaavehigae |4|6|
Kaliaan Mehalaa 5 || (GSS-1322) Kirtan Kaar: Bhai Harjinder Singh Sri Nagar
Gun naad dun anand baed | katat sunat mun janaa mil sant manddalee |1| rahaao | giaan diaan maan daan man rasik rasan naam japat teh paap khanddalee |1| jog jugat giaan bhugat surat sabad tat baetae jap tap akhanddalee | out pot mil jot naanak kashoo dukh n ddanddalee |2|2|5|